Document Management
Document Management Software
Document Management for medical records or office unlimited concurrent users and free browser based viewer. Scan and eliminate paper-based records using scanning technology and our enterprise document management solution.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) for managing the capture, storage, security, revision control, retrieval, distribution, preservation and destruction of documents and content.
Our Electronic Document Management System is a better and more cost-efficient method to organize and search your Patient Charts, Medical Records, HR Files, Legal Files and other documents. Multi-user document management system helps you provide compliance with regulations and laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Our Enterprise Document Management Software provides users with a full set of features including:
Act (HIPAA) compliant
Your SQL and web server - Highly scalable architecture: size and performance based on your metadata, images, and usage. No per-user or additional proprietary software required, unlimited users and database size, based on your hardware capabilities.
Win 2K3, Win XP Pro or Better to host IIS
SQL Server 2000 (2005 available soon)
for info email us: info[at]